Department of Strategic Partnerships, ICT and Digital Economy


The Department of Digital Economy and Strategic Partnerships  is divided into three directorates;

The ICT Directorate,

The Digital Economy Directorate and,

The Strategic Partnerships and SDG Mainstreaming Directorate


To make Busia county a competitive digitally enabled economy.


To facilitate access to ICT infrastructure and services in Busia County while the digital space opportunities in enhancement of partnerships and efficient service delivery.


 The Department being a cross-cutting support department is mandated to spearhead policy formulation for effective and innovative use of Information Communication and Technology (ICT) resources and to use these among others to identify, enable, formulate, promote and foster beneficial multi-sectoral strategic partnerships for the sustainable development of the County. To do this, this new department has to aggressively embark on resource mobilization; internal planning, coordination and supervision for effective and efficient public service delivery in the county.

The directorate of   ICT has the responsibility of managing automation of all county services, ICT infrastructure and enhancement of connectivity in the county.

The ICT directorate has continuously managed the county website, the county revenue automation system and the county health services management system. The directorate has also offered continuous technical support to all county departments and staff in so far as ICT matters are concerned, besides enabling the county automate a few of the county functions.

In the Medium term, the directorate of ICT is set to expand automation of more county functions, create an interactive county strategic partnerships management system and continue to manage all ICT infrastructure in the county. Finally, the directorate is set to manage compliance with all information security controls in the county.

The directorate of Digital economy is responsible for developing  robust business models and markets for county development. It’s a new directorate which intends to start off operations in the medium term by formulating relevant policies, guidelines, frameworks and regulations that will enhance leveraging the digital economy space in the county. Further the directorate plans to design and implement an annual county-wide digital literacy program collaboratively with other existing government and non-government institutions including County and National VTCs, other colleges and universities. There is also expectation of collaboration and leveraging of the county Aggregated industrial park and the Economic Processing Zone to be established in the county.

The directorate of Strategic Partnerships and SDG mainstreaming  is responsible for  Creating synergistic partnerships for county development.


Departmental Performance In FY 2023/2024

Key achievements

  • Acquisition of a new cashless revenue system
    Formulation of a county computer and cyber security policy
    Fiber connectivity and internet access to 12 county offices