Department of The County Treasury and Economic Planning

Department of Finance and Economic planning holds a vital key in the implementation of county priority programmes and projects, other National priorities including the “Big Four” Initiatives in order to improve the Quality of lives of people of Busia County and make the county competitive.


"A prosperous county committed to prudent financial management and economic planning".


“To provide high quality financial, economic and advisory services through efficient and effective fiscal planning, resource mobilization, budget administration, coordination, formulation and implementation of policies and programs for accelerated, equitable and sustainable development for the citizens of Busia County”.


The mandate of the Department as per The Executive Order No. 1 of 2020 is to monitor, evaluate and oversee the management of public finances and economic affairs of the county as per section 102(4) of the Public Finance Management Act 2012

Programme  Objectives

General Administration and Support services

Improve Efficiency in co-ordination of service delivery to county departments

Financial management, Control and Development services

To enhance public financial management in the County

Other Projects

To enhance uniformity in development across the County.


The department has realized among others the following achievements;

1. Through the department, the County has realized improved revenue collection. This was attributed by effective strategies put in place among them;Introduction of agency banking to avoid spending at source, continued automation processes through launching of County Mpesa Paybill 635929 aimed at streamlining revenue collection and overcoming revenue leakages, establishment of trade Act, Cess bills and approval of valuation rolls that aided in boosting revenue from relevant sources.

2. The department gave technical support, advice and guided other departments in financial and economic planning matters. It worked collaboratively with other County departments, board, committees and the County Assembly in preparing, reviewing and analyzing budgetary policies and priority programmes.

3. The directorate of Accounting services and Audit enabled the department control and account for the receipt and expenditure of public funds through the development of financial policies and procedures, administration of applicable legislation and preparation of financial statements and financial reports.

4. In the 2018/2019 financial year, the department did adopt the E- Procurement system put in place by the National Treasury for National and County governments’ procurement processes. Various stakeholders and County staff were trained on the E-Procurement system which was later applied in tendering and evaluating the advertised projects.

5. The department has endeavor to provide high quality financial, economic and advisory services through efficient and   effective fiscal planning, resource mobilization, budget administration, coordination, formulation and implementation of policies and programs for accelerated, equitable and sustainable development for the citizens of Busia County in the subsequent financial years.

6.Through the directorate of budget, the County has realized production of credible and compliant County planning documents in the recent years

7. In the financial year 2019/2020, the department developed and implemented Monitoring & Evaluation policy that has helped in improvement of projects and programmes undertaken by the County.